Selection Procedure
NTSE Selection Procedure
Selection Procedure
It comprises of 2 - levels.
1st level is conducted by States and Union Territories.
2nd level is conducted by NCERT.
State Level Examination
Based on the enrolment of States/UTs each States/UTs would conduct its own exam and recommend a given number of candidates based on merit for the second level which would be conducted by the NCERT.
State Level Examination Dates
Except Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram the exam is conducted on 4th Sunday of November every year.
In Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram the exam is conducted on 4th Saturday of November every year.
Eligibility for State Level:
1. All Indian students studying in Class X in a recognized school.
2. The applicant should be less than 18 years as on 1st July2017 and should not be employed
3. The applicant should be appearing for the first time.
4. Other criteria varies from state to state.
The eligible candidate based on merit would receive a letter fortnight before the interview through register at the address given in the Admission Card, by the candidate at the time of National level written examination. The interview would be held during the month of July or August. NCERT would not be responsible if the candidate does not receive the letter due to address change or delay by postal service.
Place of Interview
Interviews are arranged at various places in the country depending on the number of candidates found eligible from different regions.
Travelling Allowance
The candidates would get the 2nd class train ticket and for no reason the air fare would be given to the candidate.
Declaration of Result
The final results would not be disclosed, the final award would be declared on the basis of both National level written examination and interview. The selected candidates would receive a registered letters.
The rechecking would not be entertained as the NCERT takes extra care to check the papers.
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