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DASA / CIWG: UG Seat Allotment:
Aiming to take the JEE Main and want to know the exact seat allotment procedure of DASA 2025-26? TestprepKart will walk you through the admission process under DASA. Dig into the article to know more.
Seat allotment is strictly based on the valid Subject Test scores and the choices chosen by the merit applicants in order.
DASA allots the seats on the basis of the below-mentioned articles. The articles list is as follows:
JEE Main Score Consideration
Merit List Preparation
Allotment of Institutes & Courses
CIWG 2025-26 Counseling Round 2 – Cutoff Ranks Released. Read More..
Recently, The SAT Subject Test scores are only considered only if applicants send them via College Board account. If an applicant has taken the SAT multiple times, DASA always encourages the Score Choice concept.
That is, the applicant can send his/her best individual SAT Subject Test scores to DASA. DASA never asks you to submit all your test scores. But from now, JEE Main is valid to take admission through DASA quota.
The JEE Main scores are only considered only if applicants send them via NTA account. If an applicant has taken the JEE Main multiple times, DASA always encourages the Score Choice concept.
That is, the applicant can send his/her best individual JEE Main scores to DASA. DASA never asks you to submit all your test scores. But from now, JEE Main is valid to take admission through DASA quota.
Will you be applying for DASA / CIWG 2021 or years after that? You must then prepare for JEE Main.
DASA will prepare the merit list based on the JEE Main scores sent by the applicants on or before June, 2022 directly from the College Board account.
If two applicants JEE Main score ties up, DASA considers inter merit to allot the seat. The list is as follows:
DASA checks DOB , DASA allots the seat on the basis of Date of Birth of the applicants. The elder one gets the advantage here.
The decision of DASA 2022 core committee in this regard shall be final and binding on all the regards.
You have to apply once the application form is live. DASA often releases its online application in the Second Week of April and closes it in the Second Week of June. The entire application procedure happens online. TestprepKart walks you through the 4 Rounds of seat allotment step by step.
Seat Allotment: It’s a matter of curiosity and concern as many students exactly don’t know the process of set allotment in the DASA scheme. So TestprepKart walks you through the exact procedure happens in every round step by step in the DASA scheme.
DASA considers all the eligible applicants for Round 1. You can see the Round 1 seat allotment once the DASA finalizes the Round 1 list on June 24, 2025. You won’t be notified regarding it. So DASA advice all the applicants strongly to check the website for the announcements of seat allotment. If you won’t be able to accept the seat within the prescribed duration, DASA NIT won’t be taking any responsibility for it.
DASA splits this Round 1 into two categories. They are –
Applicants that are allotted their first choice of institute/programs in Round 1
Applicants that are allotted any choice of the institute/college other than the first choice in Round 1.
Hit Accept, if you are accepting the allotted institute/programs in the Round 1, download the provisional allotment letter generated and send it to the Indian Mission to pace up the visa process.
Hit Decline, if you’re denying the allotted institute/programs in the Round 1. DASA acknowledges the unaccepted seats as declination if you fail to accept the seat within the prescribed duration.
Such applicants aren’t allowed for Round 2 & Round 3. But they can attend Round 4 & Spot Rounds. They have to re-register for Round 4 & Spot Round and the registration fee would be 300 USD.
Hit Accept if you’re happy with the institute/program you have got and don’t want your higher preference choices in Round 2 allotment. You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case.
Download it and print the Provisional Admission Letter. Now sign it and submit it to the allotted institute during the admission time (June24-27). All candidates are advised to submit this Provisional Admission Letter as a proof to pace up the visa procedure.
Hit Accept & Upgrade if you’re accepting the currently allotted seat and want to participate in Round 2 to get the higher institute/program as per the original choices filled by you at the time of filling the application.
You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case. If you get the seat that has the higher preference in your list of choices in Round 2, the seat allotted in Round 2 will be canceled automatically. If you won’t get the better institute/college in Round 2, your Round 1 seat will be allotted to you.
Hit Decline, if you don’t wish to accept the allotted seat. DASA considers this as Seat Cancellation / Withdrawal Letter would be generated. By hitting Decline, your current seat will be canceled and you won’t be eligible for Round 2 & Round 3. You can re-register to apply for Round 4 & Spot Round. The declined seat will be added for the subsequent rounds for the eligible applicants.
If you failed to confirm your allotment on or before June, DASA will presume you as a candidate that doesn’t want the allotted seat and cancel your Round 2 & Round 3 eligibility. You have to re-register to attend the Round 4 & Spot Round. Re-registration just costs 300 USD.
For Round 2, DASA considers all the eligible applicants who aren’t allotted a seat in Round 1 and all the applicants that hit Accept &Upgarde in Round 1 will be considered as per inter se merit.
You can see the Round 2 seat allotment once the DASA finalizes the Round 2 list on 1st Week of July 2021. You won’t be notified regarding it. So DASA advices all the applicants strongly to check the website for the announcements of seat allotment.
If you won’t be able to accept the seat within the prescribed duration, DASA NIT won’t be taking any responsibility for it.
DASA splits this Round 2 into two categories. They are –
Applicants that are allotted their first choice of institute/programs in Round 2
Applicants that are allotted any choice of the institute/college other than the first choice in Round 1
You'll get 2 options in this case.
Hit Accept, if you are accepting the allotted institute/programs in the Round 2, download the provisional allotment letter generated and send it to the Indian Mission to pace up the visa process.
Hit Decline, if you’re denying the allotted institute/programs in the Round 2. DASA acknowledges the unaccepted seats as declination if you fail to accept the seat within the prescribed duration.
Such applicants aren’t allowed for Round 3. But they can attend Round 4 & Spot Rounds. They have to re-register for Round 4 & Spot Round and the registration fee would be 300 USD.
You will get 3 options here.
Hit Accept if you’re happy with the institute/program you have got and don’t want your higher preference choices in Round 2 allotment. You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case.
Download it and print the Provisional Admission Letter. Now sign it and submit it to the allotted institute during the admission time (June24-27). All candidates are advised to submit this Provisional Admission Letter as a proof to pace up the visa procedure.
Hit Accept & Upgrade if you’re accepting the currently allotted seat and want to participate in Round 2 to get the higher institute/program as per the original choices filled by you at the time of filling the application.
You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case. If you get the seat that has the higher preference in your list of choices in Round 3, the seat allotted in Round 2 will be canceled automatically. If you won’t get the better institute/college in Round 3, your Round 2 seat will be allotted to you.
Hit Decline, if you don’t wish to accept the allotted seat. DASA considers this as Seat Cancellation / Withdrawal Letter would be generated. By hitting Decline, your current seat will be canceled and you won’t be eligible for Round 3.
You can re-register to apply for Round 4 & Spot Round. The declined seat will be added for the subsequent rounds for the eligible applicants.
If you failed to confirm your allotment on or before 1st week of July 2021, DASA will presume you as a candidate that doesn’t want the allotted seat and cancel your Round 3 eligibility. You have to re-register to attend the Round 4 & Spot Round. Re-registration just costs 300 USD.
DASA considers all the eligible applicants for Round 3. You can see the Round 1 seat allotment once the DASA finalizes the Round 1 list on 4th week of june 2021. You won’t be notified regarding it. So DASA advice all the applicants strongly to check the website for the announcements of seat allotment. If you won’t be able to accept the seat within the prescribed duration, DASA NIT won’t be taking any responsibility for it.
DASA splits this Round 3 in two categories. They are –
Applicants that are allotted their first choice of institute/programs in Round 3
Applicants that are allotted any choice of the institute/college other than the first choice in Round 3
Here you get 4 options. The options are as follows:
Round 4 without Choice Change
Round 4 with Choice Change
Hit Accept, if you are accepting the allotted institute/programs in the Round 3, download the provisional allotment letter generated and submit it at the reporting institute during the admission (July 21-26).
Use the Provisional Admission Letter at the Indian Mission to pace up the visa process.
Hit Round 4 without Choice Change, if you’re accepting the currently allotted seat and want to wait for the better college you filled up at the time of admission.
Hit Round 4 without Choice Change, if you’re accepting the currently allotted seat and want to participate in Round 4 to get the higher institute/program as per the original choices filled by you at the time of filling the application.
You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case. If you get the seat that has a higher preference in your list of choices in Round 4, the seat allotted in Round 3 will be canceled automatically.
If you won’t get the better institute/college in Round 4, your Round 3 seat will be allotted to you.
Hit Round 4 with Choice Change, if you’re not accepting the currently allotted seat and want to change your original choices filled by you at the time of filling the application.
You can generate the Provisional Admission Letter in this case. In this case, the seat allotted in Round 3 will be canceled automatically. You have to note that after making the changes in your list of choice, you might or mightn’t get the seat you wish as the seat allotment is made on the basis of JEE Main scores.
If you won’t get the seat here, you are going to lose the seat allotted in Round 3. Ensure twice before choosing this option.
Hit Decline, if you’re denying the allotted institute/programs in the Round 3. DASA acknowledges the unaccepted seats as declination if you fail to accept the seat by July 9. You can attend for Round 4 & Spot Rounds. You have to re-register for Round 4 & Spot Round and the registration fee would be 300 USD.
you will get two options here.
Hit Round 4 without Choice Change (Not Allotted), if you wish to participate in Round 4 allotment without making any changes in the original choices you made while filling the application form online.
Hit Round 4 without Choice Change (Not Allotted), if you’re willing to change the original choices you made at the time of filling the application and want to participate in Round 4.
But ensure to take action. If you fail to confirm this option by the second week of July 2021, DASA presumes you e not interested in Round 4 participation. But the applicants, who fail to select this option, can re-register to attend the Round 4 & Spot Round.
Applicants who have opted for Round 4 will be allotted on the basis of inter se merit. Applicants who are eligible for Round 4 allotment –
Who has chosen Round 4 after Round 3 are eligible
Who wasn’t attended for Round 1, Round 2 & Round 3 are eligible
Who declined their applications intentionally or unable to accept the seat in the prior 3 rounds can re-register for the Round 4 & Spot Round by paying 300 USD
Who have failed to submit online application on or before second week of June 2021 and meet the eligibility criteria
The interested candidates can send their JEE Main scores by the second week of July and such candidates are only considered. DASA opens its online portal to make the choice changes from 2nd week of July to third week of July 2021.
You can also pay the fee by July 13 through SWIFT transfer or E-Payment and ensure the amount you send will be credited in DASA account by second week of July 2021. So make SWIFT transfer before 3 days of the closing the online application form. Rather, you won’t be considered.
The JEE Main scores should be sent by the NTA account to the institute code of MNNIT in 2021.
Hit Accept if you’re accepting the allotted institute/program and submit it by (July 21-26) at the time of admission. Download the Provisional Admission Letter to pace up the visa procedure.
Hit Decline if you don’t want to accept the allotted institute/course. But you are still eligible for re-register for Spot Round. You have to confirm the seat by July 20.
DASA forwards all the Provisional Admission Letters to the specific institutes for approval, once you accept the Provisional Letter and report at the allotted institute during July 21-26.
Provisional Admission Letter is to be submitted to the allotted institute. If you won’t be able to report at the allotted institute, your allotted seat will be cancelled.
Internal Sliding indicates the vacant seats in all the programs in the particular college once the candidates report at their allotted institutes. DASA requests all the participating colleges to conduct the Internal Sliding on the last week of July 2021, on the basis of inter se merit. The participating colleges will report all the vacant seats remained once Internal Sliding is done.
Here, DASA again conducts one more round called Spot Round to fill all the vacant seats remained in all the participating colleges.
Spot Round is conducted by DASA to fill all the vacant seats left over in the 50 participating colleges. Applicants who haven’t allotted seat in the earlier rounds and are eligible now considered for the Spot Round.
New applicants who haven’t applied for the earlier rounds via online can also apply for the Spot Round. You have to send the JEE Main score by second week of June 2021. Interested candidates can apply for Spot Round by sending JEE Main score to DASA by College Board account.
DASA opens its online portal to let you change in the choice filling and you have to pay the fee from second week of July 2021 to third week of July 2021. So make sure your tuition fee should be credited into the DASA account before c by DASA on 4th week of July 2021.
It’s to be noted that candidates should carry all the original documents when attending the Spot Round. If you forgot to accept the seat in Spot Round, you won’t be considered for any refund.
The registration fee for the DASA scheme is 300 USD. The registration is same for the three admission streams – DASA (SAARC), DASA (Non-SAARC) & CIWG.
Supernumerary quota is the quota launched by AICTE to offer the high quality education for economically weaker students in the engineering colleges across India. Apart from the DASA quota, DASA also occupies 15% of the supernumerary quota allotted by each college. In that 15%, the supernumerary quota of CIWG is 5%. The vacant seats left in the CIWG supernumerary quota will automatically switch into the DASA supernumerary quota.
Yeah, you have to pay the first semester tuition fee (it depends on your admission stream) along with the registration fee (300 USD). Your application process won’t be finished until you pay the semester tuition fee.
No, there’s no fee waiver for you if you hail from any of the Non-SAARC countries. You have to pay 4000 USD semester tuition fee along with the registration fee while filling up the application online.
Yeah, you will avail a 50% concession in the semester tuition fee if you hail from any of the SAARC countries. You have to pay 2000 USD semester fee along with the registration fee while submitting the DASA application.
Yeah, CIWG is the best admission stream to avail the maximum concession. If you hail from the CIWG countries (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emirates), you just have to pay 62500 INR (Indian Rupee) a semester.
Yeah, you can pay the fee via SWIFT or E-Payment for the DASA/CIWG account.
SWIFT payments are a type of international transfer sent through the SWIFT international payment network. Whereas, E-Payment (Electronic Payment) is simply defined as paying for goods/products/services on the internet.
It depend on the admission stream you fall into. Let me elucidate all the admission streams and their fees in detail.
Yeah, you can apply to the DASA quota along with the CIWG quota while registration.
It takes 10 days to process. But in some cases, it might take 2-3 weeks to process the SWIFT transfer. Just ensure if the details you entered while transaction are correct or not.
You’ll be fully refunded, if you withdraw your DASA application before the application deadline.
You’ll be refunded 50% of the total fee if you withdraw your DASA application after the application deadline.
If DASA senses any eligibility issue while processing the application, they’ll deny your application and process you the full refund.
You’ll not be refunded a penny, if you won’t be able to submit the academics r other documents in time.
There are four more cases, you won’t be refunded a penny. The 4 cases are as follows:
Once DASA allots the seat, you have to accept the allotment within the prescribed duration. You’ll be refunded 50% of the tuition fee if you fail to accept and you’ll be tossed out of the DASA admission that year. You won’t even be eligible to apply for Round 4 & Spot Round.
No, you won’t be refunded a penny if you leave the college after attending the first semester or even in the middle of the first semester. Here’s the other case you won’t get a penny: DASA requires all the below-mentioned details to process the refund amount via Email or other means. Here’s the list:
Answer: Yes, DASA Scheme as well as its subset (the CIWG Scheme) will be available for admissions in the academic year 2022-23.
By applying under these scheme, students can take admissions in NITs, IIITs, CFIs & SPAs. The only difference from 2022 is that JEE Main Rank will be considered valid, not SAT 2.
Answer: No. As notified on the official website of DASA, SAT 2 Scores or SAT Subject Scores will no longer be valid from 2022 onwards to take admissions under DASA & CIWG Scheme.
Answer: The benefit with JEE is that the students who happen to be eligible for JEE Advanced (decided on the basis of JEE Main Results), can take JEE Advanced Exams to try for admissions in IITs, the most premier engineering Institute in India.
The same wasn’t possible with SAT 2 because IITs dont intake students on the basis of SAT 2 Scores. If students can’t clear JEE Advanced, they can still take admissions in NITs, IIITs, CFIs & SPAs on the basis of JEE Main Rank.
The eligibility criteria for DASA 2022 & CIWG 2022 will remain the same as it is for 2020 or 2019. There are no changes in the eligibility criteria yet announced officially by DASA. Visit here, to check your DASA Eligibility.
Answer: NRI, PIO, OCI Students who are in grade 11th (in 2019) and will be appearing for grade 12th final exams in 2022, are eligible for JEE 2022 to apply under the DASA 2022.
If you are in grade 12th (in 2019), you must be appearing for grade 12th final exams in 2020. Hence you will be giving SAT 2 for applying under DASA 2020.
If in case you wish to take an year extra just for exam preparation, then the year will be 2022 & hence you will have to take JEE Main to apply under DASA 2022.
Ans: Because DASA released this notification on 4th of April on its official website (https://dasanit.org/). There are 100% chance that this notification is a final one.
No detailed circular has been released as of now but as soon as any such updates arrive, you can find them on our website.
Answer: This is completely unpredictable. But there seems to be less chance that it will be withdrawn. The NRI, PIO, OCI Students who wish to apply for DASA / CIWG 2022 (& years after 2022) must start preparing for JEE Main.
Answer: No changes have been made in the qualifying exam criteria for DASA 2022. Students must have a minimum of 60%, or equivalent, in Grade 12 Exams (of their respective boards) & must have successfully completed Maths, Physics and one of the subjects from (Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Biology) in Grade 11th & 12th.
Answer: The applicants must be thoroughly aware of the syllabus & pattern i.e. revolving around the NCERT textbooks for class 11th & 12th.
This is because JEE Syllabus is based on the NCERT Text books. The students must also practice using various reference books /online test series/ JEE coaching online/ mock tests/ previous years papers in order to crack JEE 2022 for applying under DASA 2021 or CIWG 2021.
Answer: The JEE cutoff varies every year because of the percentile system. Hence, the exact cut off cannot be mentioned. Every year, JEE cutoff is announced at the time of JEE Result Declaration & it is valid only for that particular year.
Answer: Based on the tough competition students have in India, it is very necessary for students to make extra efforts to clear JEE Main or Advanced. In India, when science students enter grade 11th, they take up tuitions or coaching to help them prepare for JEE Main.
Because the JEE Syllabus is based on NCERT Textbooks which are used in Grade 11th & 12th, it also helps them prepare for their school exams / board exams. Ideally, 2 years of JEE preparation (coaching, previous 40 years questions practice, test series) is needed for students who want to clear JEE Main.
Hence, it is highly recommended for NRI , PIO, OCI Students to take JEE Coaching if they wish to secure a seat in NITs, IIITs, CFIs or SPAs under DASA / CIWG Scheme 2022.
Answer: Whether you are an NRI Student residing in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Singapore, or anywhere in the world,
Testprepkart has been providing online coaching for JEE & various other entrance exams with proven results. Our online classes are live & completely interactive encouraging the interactions between students and the teachers. We also equip our students with up to date study materials, online test series, doubt clearing sessions. You can book a free demo session with us.
Answer: Observing this pattern of how DASA has been allowing NRI Students to submit their SAT 2 scores through their college board account, there are high chances that from session 2022-23 onwards, NRI Students might be made to submit their JEE Main Rank to DASA through their JEE Main account.
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