Before 1987 selections for Medical and Engineering courses in the State were made by a designated Government Department in the Civil Secretariat as an additional item of its work. Gradually, the number of students who were appearing in Entrance Examinations increased and, as a consequence, the work of organizing Entrance Examinations also increased. The Government of Jammu and Kashmir, therefore, in the year 1987 constituted a full–time examining body, Competent Authority Entrance Examinations. The purpose of creating a full-time examining body was to organize Entrance Tests in a more transparent and orderly manner on the pattern followed in other parts of the country. The Competent Authority thus constituted performed its task of conducting Entrance Examinations in a fairly satisfactory manner.
In the year 2002, The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations Act was passed by the State Legislature and The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations was constituted under the Act. The Board as set up under the Act replaced the Competent Authority Entrance Examinations which was existing earlier. The purpose of constituting an examining body for entrance tests by an Act of the Legislature was to invigorate it, so that it might execute the task of selection of candidates independently, objectively and more efficiently.
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