Minimum Eligibility Qualification / Criteria for Three years engineering diploma courses
I. Eligibility Criteria for admission to 1st year in Polytechnics-The minimum eligibility criteria for admission to 1st year Engineering courses and Architecture Assistantship course etc in Govt. /Private Polytechnics of Himachal Pradesh is that the candidate must have passed 10th standard with 35% marks at the qualifying examination from a recognized Board/University or its equivalent as prescribed by the AICTE.
• Process of admission to 1st year in Polytechnics shall be in following order:-The admission to 1st diploma courses in Govt. & Pvt. Polytechnics shall be made strictly on the merit of marks obtained in minimum educational qualification prescribed by AICTE for the session 2021-22 (Auth. Letter No. EDN(TE)A(4)1/2021 dated 22nd June, 2021).
• The schedule/time line of online/Centralized Offline/institution level counselling shall be published separately as well as uploaed in the Board/Directorate websites.
Minimum Eligibility Qualification / Criteria for Two Years Engineering Diploma Courses through Lateral Entry.
• Eligibility criteria for direct admission to 2nd year (3rd semester) in Polytechnic Diploma courses under Lateral Entry Scheme as per AICTE, Approval Process Hand Book-2021-22, which are as under:-
Passed 10+2 examination with Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject/Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies/Entrepreneurship (Any of three).
10th + 2 years ITI under NCVT/SCVT/COE in engineering stream shall be eligible for admission to Second Year Diploma Course(s) of appropriate Programme as per AICTE Norms.
(The Affiliating Body will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve desired learning outcomes of the programme).
• Process of admission to second year in Polytechnics through Lateral Entry Scheme: The admission to 2nd year diploma courses through Lateral Entry Scheme in Govt. & Pvt. Polytechnics shall be made strictly on the merit of marks obtained in minimum educational qualification prescribed by AICTE for the session 2021-22 (Auth. Letter No. EDN(TE)A(4)1/2021 dated 22nd June, 2021).
• The schedule/time line of online/Centralize Offline/institution level counselling shall be published separately as well as uploaded in the Board/Directorate websites.
There will be no provisional admission whatsoever either in regular diploma stream or Lateral Entry Level.
Minimum Eligibility Qualification/Criteria for Diploma Pharmacy Course as per ER 2020 of PCI
As per PCI notification dated 9th October, 2020 The Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma Course in Pharmacy, Regulations made under section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. (As approved by the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide letter no. Z-28020/59/2019- AHS/FTS-8012809 dated 7.10.2020). That as per Chapter 2, Point no.4 of the above mentioned Education Regulation 2020 for Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I and Part-II) the minimum education qualification is given as under:-
Minimum qualification for admission to Diploma in Pharmacy: - A pass in 10+2 examination (science academic stream) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics.
Any other qualification approved by the Pharmacy Council of India as equivalent to the above examination.
Provided that there shall be reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government /State Governments Union territory administrations as the case may be from time to time.
Note: In addition to clause No. 4.3 above the Pharmacy Council of India has issued the following directions/order regarding eligibility for admission to D. Pharmacy courses as conveyed vide letter No. 4-2/2006-PCI-5763-6337 dated 13 June, 2007.
a) To approve: 2 years Higher Secondary Education Board Exam. (Science Academic stream with Physics, Chemistry, Biology) of Higher Secondary Education Board, Nepal under sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 5 of Education Regulations, 1991 for admission to Diploma course in pharmacy.
b) To approve: only science academic stream (regular course of 10+2) in line with regulation 5(3) of Education Regulations, 1991 for admission to D. Pharm course.
c) Not to approve: Pre-University Examination (New Scheme) of Andhra University with Physics, Chemistry, Maths or Physics, Chemistry, Biology under sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 5 of Education Regulations, 1991 for admission to Diploma course in Pharmacy.
Besides above Pharmacy Council of India in its 97th Central Council meeting held in June, 2015 has decided to approve a pass from Open School education system of the Central Govt. /State Govt. Institutions for admission to various Pharmacy courses for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist vide Public Notice No. 14-2/2015-PCI (A), dated 30.7.2015 of Registrar-cum-Secretary, PCI.
It is further clarified that if candidates having qualifications other than those approved by PCI are admitted to D. Pharm course they shall not be eligible for registration as a pharmacist to practice the profession under 23 the Pharmacy Act even though they might have completed the D. Pharm course. In this event the entire consequences shall rest with the admission making and course conducting authorities and PCI in no way shall be responsible for the same.
• Provisional Admission – There will be no provisional admission
Basis of admission :-
Admission to Diploma Pharmacy course shall be made on the basis of Inter-se-merit/Rank prepared on the basis of percentage of aggregate marks obtained in qualifying examination in Chemistry, Physics,
Biology/Mathematics and English.
• For the candidates who have passed with combined subjects i.e., Mathematics and Biology then higher subject marks shall be taken into consideration.
• In case, subject wise marks are not mentioned by the concerned board then GPA and CGPA awarded by the board will be considered for calculating the subject-wise marks and aggregate marks of Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Mathematics and English according to the conversion factor mentioned in the detailed marks certificate.
• In case of tie, the tie breaking criteria will be in the order of marks obtained in Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Mathematics and English.
• If the tie still persists, senior in Age will be placed in higher merit.
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